
BBCode or Bulletin Board Code is a lightweight markup language used to format posts in many message boards. The available tags are usually indicated by square brackets ([ ]) surrounding a keyword, and they are parsed by the message board system before being translated into a markup language that web browsers understand—usually HTML or XHTML.

The description of Kunena BBCode does not imply that these features exist or work in the same manner in other forums or vice versa.


BBCode was devised to provide a safer, easier and more limited way of allowing users to format their messages. Previously, many message boards allowed the users to include HTML formatting, a side effect of which was that malformed HTML could disrupt the page's layout, or HTML could be used to run JavaScript leading to XSS attacks. Some implementations of BBCode have suffered problems related to the way they translate the BBCode into HTML, which could negate the security that was intended to be given by BBCode. An alternative is a properly written HTML filter (many of which are freely available).

Although the basic tags of BBCode are similar, in most internet forum software there is currently no standards document for BBCode and there are consequently many incompatible variants. Some variants are case-sensitive while others are not. Some variants have tags which highlight the formatting of HTML, PHP, CSS and other markup languages and programming languages.

BBCode Tags

Available BBCodes




[b]text[/b] text
[i]text[/i] text
[u]text[/u] text
[strike]text[/strike] text
Text[sub]subtext[/sub] Textsubtext
Text[sup]suptext[/sup] Textsuptext
[size=5]Text in size 5[/size] [size=4]four[/size] [size=3]three[/size] Text in size 5 four three
[color=#FF0000]coloured text[/color] [color=lime]Lime[/color] [color=green]Green[/color] coloured text[1] Lime Green[2]
[li]listpoint 1[/li]
[li]listpoint 2[/li]
  • listpoint 1
  • Listpoint 2
[li]Item the first[/li]
[li]Item the second[/li]
  1. Item the first
  2. Item the second
 [li]List Item[/]
  • list item
[hr] Draws a horizontal rule
[left]Align text to the left[/left] Align text to the left
[center]Center text[/center] Center text
  [right]Align text to the right[/right]  Align text to the right
   [quote]text[/quote]       text

Insert a two row two column table:

   [td]Row 1, Col 1 Data[/td]
   [td]Row 1, Col 2 Data[/td]
   [td]Row 2, Col 1 Data[/td]
   [td]Row 1, Col 2 Data[/td]

Row 1, Col 1 Data Row 1, Col 2 Data
Row 2, Col 1 Data Row 2, Col 2 Data
[hide]Text cannot be seen unless user is logged-in[/hide] Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it.
Opens the emoticons selection screen  

Use the following procedure to create a post on the CCM Work Group Forum.

  1. Click the New Topic tab.
  2. Select the category appropriate to your post. Click the down arrow to see the available categories.
  3. Enter the subject of your post. Please be specific, as this will help other users to locate things that interest them.
  4. Select an icon for your post.
  5. If not already selected, select the Write tab.
  6. Click the Preview tab if you wish to see what your message will look like.
  7. The Toolbar will allow you to apply formatting, tables, pictures, etc. to your post.
  8. Enter the text of your message in this location.
  9. You may upload and create an attachment to your message by clicking the Attachments button.
  10. Click the Subscribe button to be notified of any replies to your post.
  11. When you're satisfied with your message, click the Submit button.
  12. Click the Cancel button to exit without saving your work.



Following the guidelines and rules outlined below will improve your experience considerably on our forum.

Stay focused

Stay focused on what's important by staying on topic. Most people have limited time and losing focus half way through a discussion is a good way to end a discussion prematurely!

Be civilized

No personal attacks. Do not feel compelled to defend your honor in public. A difference of opinions is key to a growing and diverse community. Try to always respect one another's opinions; posts containing personal attacks may be removed or result in a ban!

Be kind to newcomers

Always be kind to new members of the community. They don't always ask the right questions or clearly explain their needs. But lots of valued contributors started out this way, and treating newcomers kindly makes them more likely to turn into the valuable community members we all know and love. It's ok to point out when a mistake is made. Help them learn and point them in the right direction!

Let the dead be dead

Dead and out dated topics should be left just that, dead. Resurrecting of forum posts pushs old and usually no longer relevant content to the very top. This can be very confusing for everyone. Always make a new topic instead of replying to old topics and simply link to it in your new topic.

Find a way

The first instinct when hitting an issue is to simply post. However, everyone is highly encouraged to check out existing resources first. You may find our documentation and FAQ already contain your solution. If still no luck then try searching the forums to see if your issue has already been addressed.

Attachment attack

Attachments are great for sharing screenshots, simple code, or other things of that nature. However, too many is like being bombarded by files! Keep them minimal as needed. Utilize external sources for large attachments. Avoid sharing anything that requires a download and be sure to always explain the purpose of your attachment.

Quote train

Try to keep replies trimmed and clean by only quoting what is relevant. Avoid quoting quotes of quotes of quotes of... I think the picture is clear how crazy it could get and how unreadable that would be! Make it easy for everyone to see what you want to reply specifically about.

Subject identity crisis

Having a clear and specific subject for your topic will allow your topic to quickly be identified and answered appropriately. Don't confuse the community with incredibly vague topic subjects or subjects that have nothing to do with the topic! Example of a bad topic are "cb bugged", "doesn't work", etc..

Ignore spam

Spam posts are just a reality of our every day internet lives now. Please don't make it worse by replying to them! Simply report any spam posts. We will always make best effort to avoid you seeing spam posts, but sometimes they slip through the cracks.

Calm and Collected

Try not to SHOUT AT PEOPLE WHEN POSTING. It's very disruptive and read as yelling. No one wants to be yelled at. Additionally multiple exclamation points is highly discouraged as one gets the point across rather clearly.

Patience is a virtue

Be patient and avoid things like "urgent!" or "important!" in your subject and topic. Avoid bumping topics. Everyone will get their turn!

Private should stay private

Please do not post private information on our very public forums. Anything private should be handled through private messages. Do not expect any level of privacy on the forums.