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- Category: Action List
- Hits: 1598
OK, we have a place to play tennis or basketball. Does this mean that passing cars should throw their trash out the window as they pass by or that users of the park should not seek out a garbage can? We live here, let's keep it nice.
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- Category: Action List
- Hits: 1513
I just spoke with 'Helen', assistant to the district secretary at FDOT in regard to Miami Gardens Drive, condition of median plants. She promised to speak with the maintenance people. I explained that the plants (grasses) were not being watered and had been "weed hacked" so that the edges needed attention. Also that the median between the Country Club West had had its plantings removed/destroyed in patches and that new plantings needed to be put in.
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- Category: Action List
- Hits: 1688
Apparently, for some people, the world is their trash bin. Bayhill East of West Oakmont is a favorite place in the trash bin.
Tom La Marca (long-time community activist) and Al Weisenborn (person of ill-repute and ranconteur) removed 3 buckets of garbage from this relatively short section of the street. Tom La Marca is seen here chatting with neighbor Robert Walser after the strenuous garbage harvesting session.
Click here to watch Tom chase fleeing trash.
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