Use the following procedure to create a post on the CCM Work Group Forum.

  1. Click the New Topic tab.
  2. Select the category appropriate to your post. Click the down arrow to see the available categories.
  3. Enter the subject of your post. Please be specific, as this will help other users to locate things that interest them.
  4. Select an icon for your post.
  5. If not already selected, select the Write tab.
  6. Click the Preview tab if you wish to see what your message will look like.
  7. The Toolbar will allow you to apply formatting, tables, pictures, etc. to your post.
  8. Enter the text of your message in this location.
  9. You may upload and create an attachment to your message by clicking the Attachments button.
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  11. When you're satisfied with your message, click the Submit button.
  12. Click the Cancel button to exit without saving your work.




#1 Dulce Muccio Weisenborn 2020-12-09 17:30
I have walked our neighborhood sidewalks with my various guide dogs and am occasionally greeted by fellow walkers. I would love for more of my neighbors to introduce themselves to me. For those of you who already greet me and guide dog Pepper, I say thank you for bringing context to my walks.

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