Welcome to the Country Club of Miami Work Group (CCMWG) website. Membership on this website is strictly limited to residents of the in the area of the map shown on the map below. This area is more or less defined in Amendments to Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, Miami–Dade County official record 19007PC4893 dated January 25, 2000. The primary purpose of this website is to provide information that its members will find useful. After registering members may author and contribute articles, comment on articles and participate in conversations in the discussion forum.

This site is strictly non-profit and community minded. If you become a registered member and contributor it is expected that:

  • You will not advertize goods or services on your own behalf. However, if you have a recommendation for a local restaurant, local business or service provider please write a review and share it with the community.
  • You will always use respectful language and treat others as you yourself would like to be treated.
  • You will not share other people's private information irrespective of media type.
  • You will not shout (type messages all in capital letters).
  • You will not post any article or forum message that deals primarily with politics or religion.
  • You will help others use the tools of this website.
  • You will not share links for the purposes of advertizing.

All registered users may post in the CCMWG Forum and make comments on most other pages. If you would like to become a contribution editor please make a request using the Contact Form.





#1 Dulce Muccio Weisenborn 2020-12-09 17:14
I find these guidelines very reasonable and look forward to friendly contact with my neighbors.

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