Hello All,

I would like to offer a hearty thank you to all the employees of the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (M-DW&SD) that made a point to meet the Country Club of Miami WorkGroup in order to review sewer facilities in the CCM Square Mile. We find their willingness to listen and transparently address problems commendable. The meeting comprised of a joint tour of sewage lift stations: 407, 408, 409, the undocumented station adjacent to the FP&L the substation and derelict facilities on the FP&L right of way. Other facilities may have been reviewed after the Workgroup’s departure.  


At the beginning of the tour it was emphasized that M-DW&SD

has ongoing plans for renovation and consolidation of most of the sewage facilities in the Country Club of Miami square-mile. These renovations are being planned in coordination with the Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department’s renovations of the East and West golf courses. The WorkGroup agrees with the County position that coordination and efficiency of all renovations is paramount to keeping costs down and providing a minimum disruption to the community. However, the WorkGroup strongly points out that conditions that represent an imminent danger or might require large emergency expenditures must be dealt with outside coordinated plans for consolidation and renovation on a timely schedule Such conditions include:

  1. Unsecured facilities
  2. FP&L transformers placed below the level of recent flooding
  3. Unsecured or code violating electrical installations for sewage lift pump power

 M-DW&SD agreed to apply pressure on FP&L to rapidly correct the transformer location problems that have been identified below. This summary does not intend to address minor items that are not imminent safety hazards.

Sewage Lift Station 407

The tour began at lift station 407 where general concerns were discussed. Although there are numerous problems at this site the following were judged by all to be serious:

A temporary transformer was installed by FP&L some seven years ago. The transformer is located below the flood plain. This resulted in this station being out of commission for a period of 2 ½ weeks. This required manual removal of sewage by pump trucks at tremendous cost.

  1. The installation of the electrical usage meter was done with tape and clear plastic.
  2. The insulation on electrical service wires is rotting and in very poor condition.
  3. Pump drive belt guards are not secured.
  4. The facility itself is not secured.

Undocumented Sewage Lift Station

The unknown sewage station adjacent to the FP&L substation at GPS: 25.9417139 N, 80.3192583 W was located and reviewed.

  1. The sump cover was not secured.
  2. The facility itself is not secured.

 M-DW&SD agreed that they will determine ownership of the station and take any required action.

Derelict Sewage Lift Station

The derelict sewage lift station was visited at the following GPS coordinates: 25.9513500 N, 80.3173667 W.

  1. The security gate is open.
  2. Two sump covers are missing.

All agreed that the station is a serious hazard should be quickly and properly decommissioned.

Undocumented Derelict Facility

The derelict facility was visited at the following GPS coordinates:: 25.9534083 N, 80.3167111 W.

  1. The facility is not secured.
  2. It was determined that this facility was most likely part of a disused irrigation system administered by Parks and Recreation.
  3. It was agreed that the facility is hazardous.

The WorkGroup agreed to notify Parks and Recreation of the need to properly decommission this facility.

Sewage Lift Station 408

This station was visited in the following observations made:

  1. The transformer for the sewage pump is well below expected flood levels.
  2. There is an objectionable odor in the area.

Sewage Lift Station 409

This station was visited in the following observations made:

  1. The facility is not secured.
  2. The transformer for the sewage pump is well below expected flood levels.
  3. Although not critical at this time it was noted that the location of the substation will probably interfere with the renovated golf course cart path.


The WorkGroup found the meeting to be very informative and enjoyed the opportunity to discuss issues of mutual concern with the M-DW&SD t. We believe that the M-DW&SD will rapidly address the issue of transformer placement below the expected floodplain with FP&L. We also took from the meeting a sense of agreement for the need for timely action on the other imminent hazards that were identified. We stand ready to assist M-DW&SD in any way that we can


Best regards,


Al Weisenborn

On behalf of the Country Club of Miami WorkGroup

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