Ms. Aranguiz,

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to meet with you and other representatives of the County. It was gratifying to learn that there are long term projects already under way that address many of our concerns. I would like to summarize several points that were made at the meeting. Please advise me if I have

misconstrued or misinterpreted anything.

  1. The County has an active plan for consolidation and relocation of the sewage pump station located in the Country club of Miami Square Mile that addresses most of our concerns that have been communicated to you in writing.
    1. The completion date for this project is not absolutely clear because it makes sense to coordinate project  with the renovations taking place on the Country Club of Miami Golf Courses. You indicated that in two or three weeks you would be in a better position to apply a provisional date.
    2. In general the CCM WorkGroup favors any plan that comprehensively addresses the problems that we have previously identified.  Based on what you communicated to us verbally, we believe that the County’s plan does.
  1. The WorkGroup identified what it believes to be imminent threats to safety.  It further believes that such problems should be addressed as quickly as possible and not be contingent upon a master project plan. Specifically these are:
    1. Unsecured derelict utilities located on the FP&L right of way that are attractive nuisances that present a risk of injury to those who might gain unauthorized entrance.
    2. Transformers for sewage pumps that are located below expected flood need to be elevated. The WorkGroup recognizes that this may be partially an FP&L responsibility. We believe that you are in a better position than we are to sort this out.
  1. We are especially concerned about the existing facilities that are to  being relocated be decommissioned. There must be planning and execution that assures:
    1. the safety of golfers, workers and residents.
    2. Decommissioned utilities should be removed in such a way that no “eyes sores” are created.
  1. We have agreed to have an on-site meeting at the Country Club of Miami to review the problems at station 407, derelict stations and other locations that may be of interest. We will attempt assess if there are unreasonable levels of risk. Barring the unforeseen, I will accommodate to your schedule.

Again, I would like to extend my thanks on behalf of the Country Club of Miami WorkGroup for the time and consideration that you and your staff have given us. I look forward to meeting with you next week.

Best Regards,


Al Weisenborn

On Behalf of the Country Club of Miami WorkGroup

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