This year our community has experienced two significant flood events, the Memorial day flood and the flood caused by hurricane Eta on November 9, 2020. The most recent flood caused significant damage to some of the properties in our neighborhood. The golf course had to be closed for many days, revenue was lost and damage to vegetation was extensive. Although it was rumored, and in one case documented, that killer whales were roaming the floodwaters, I personally did not see any whales. Our neighbor Acosta Oneil was able to capture an excellent video using a drone; alas, the whales were not captured on this video either. Click here to see the excellent footage that Acosta captured. The video was shot near the intersection of West Oakmont and Coldstream Drives. 

Both before and after this event the CCM Work Group has had an ongoing dialogue with County employees regarding the necessity for improved flood control especially as it concerns the two flood mitigation pumps located on North Augusta and W. Oakmont Drives. The county is aware of the problems and is working to improve the situation. However, there is no date as to when improvements will come. Until such time, we must all be on the lookout for pods of killer whales roaming our neighborhood waterways during floods.

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