
From:                                                        Al Weisenborn

Sent:                                                         Thursday, February 18, 2021 2:00 PM

To:                                                              Gil Delgado (MDPR)

Cc:                                                              Mike Dmytriw, Lincoln Nicholson, Tom La Marca, Jacky Shepard

Subject:                                                   1-18-2021 mtg followup

Hello Gil,

Thank you for hosting the zoom meeting today. As mention we are providing you with a login to out website:

From the Golf Courses menu select Maintenance Alerts. Please note that GPS coordinates and Google maps links are supplied for each photograph. Again, please feel free to share this information in any manner that you deem fitting. Gil if you have any difficulties, please to call me at 786-602-8952.

Other items are as follows:

  1. We believe the completion date for the course renovations to be 2024. You do not think this is correct and will advise as to the correct dates.

  2. No progress has been made on flood mitigation activities including:

    1. Cleaning and removal of debris from silted, weed choked drainage ditches

    2. Repair of pump outfall on West Oakmont

    3. Provision of backup power for flood mitigation pumps

  3. We would like to receive information on who exactly is responsible for driving the repair of pump outfall on West Oakmont. This has been an ongoing problem for several years.

  4. It was reported that flood mitigation is being handled in the context of golf course renovation. Since the completion date of course renovation is uncertain, the WorkGroup believes that flood mitigation should not be coupled with course renovation any more than is absolutely necessary.

  5. Thank you in advance for sending us the sections of the Miami-Dade County 2020-2021 budget that are Relevant to the Country Club of Miami.

  6. We had believed that it might have been possible to use workers assigned to community service to help removed litter and trash from the golf course. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Although I am certain we could muster a goodly number of community volunteers, we are not comfortable with the administrative difficulties that we would likely encounter. Regretfully, at this time, we cannot support such action. However, it is certainly open for future discussion.

  7. We respectfully submit that a review of the RFQ for the flood mitigation pumps on North N Augusta and West Oakmont Drives is in order. This would help to dispel the grey areas of pumping capacity and electrical specifications. Would you be kind enough to share these with us?

I would like to thank you again for your time and your willingness to meet with us.

Best Regards,

Al Weisenborn
On behalf of the Country Club of Miami WorkGroup

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